As a healthcare professional, you may face significant personal challenges that could have a direct impact on your working life. It’s perfectly fine if you put up your hand and say “Please, I need help.” A colleague shared this well-organised list of services that can cater to your well-being in times of personal and professional distress or imbalance. I have listed them as received below.
How do you navigate the different websites, helplines and support services when you need help? This simple guide will enable you to access the right support for you.
I am concerned about my mental health:
Practitioner Health Service
What do they offer?
Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS mental health treatment service with expertise in treating healthcare professionals. The service can help with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also see healthcare professionals with more severe illnesses, such as bipolar affective disorder, personality disorders and psychosis and a range of addiction
How to I contact them?
Complete a form on line via; there is a section to access our service.’ You will receive a response within 2 days on receipt of the registration form. You will then be assessed by a clinician who will establish the best and quickest way to offer support. (T) +44 (0) 300 030 3300, (E)
If you are in crisis and feeling unable to cope, text NHSPH to 85258
BMA Counselling and peer support services
What do they offer?
They offer free and confidential 24/7 counselling and peer support services open to all doctors and medical students (regardless of BMA membership), plus their partners and dependents. There is always someone you can talk to.
How do I contact them? Phone 03301231245
What do they offer?
DocHealth offers psychotherapy: a confidential, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors. All DocHealth consultations are currently taking place remotely by video. DocHealth helps doctors to explore their difficulties, both professional and personal, through consultant psychiatrists in medical psychotherapy who have the collective experience of treating over 3000 doctors in
the last 20 years. It aims to facilitate greater understanding by the doctor of his or her presenting difficulties, thus enabling them to regain greater control of their situation.
Fees are based on a sliding scale relating to your grade and circumstances. Provided in partnership with the BMA and RMBF.
How do I contact them? Phone: 020 7383 6533
The administrator’s normal working hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 12.30pm.
Email:, Website:

I’m having problems at the practice
Your local LMC
What do they offer?
Local LMCs provide an excellent range of services to support doctors across a range of professional and practice related matters. More information on what your local LMC provides will be available on the individual LMC websites below.
How to I contact them?
We have provided contact details for all LMCs in the southwest:
Avon LMC Ltd
14A High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5HP
Tel: 01179 702755 Fax: 01179 702710, Email:, Website:
Devon LMC
Deer Park Business Centre, Haldon Hill, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7XX
Tel: 01392 834020 Fax: 01392 833339, Email:, Website:
Gloucestershire LMC
10 Westgate Business Centre, The Island, Westgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2RU
Tel: 01452 310706 Fax: 01452 386503,
Kernow LMC
Victoria Beacon Place, Station Approach, Victoria, St Austell, PL26 8LG
Tel: 01726 210141, Email:, Website:
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton TA2 8QY
Tel: 01823 331428 Fax: 01823 338561 Email:, Website:
I need to talk in confidence, an opportunity to reflect and/or the space make decisions about my future
Your local LMC
What do they offer?
Local LMCs provide a range of services for doctors who need to talk, from mentoring and pastoral support through to career coaching.
How to I contact them?
Contact details for all LMCs in the southwest are above.
BMA Counselling and peer support services
What do they offer?
They offer free and confidential 24/7 counselling and peer support services open to all doctors and medical students (regardless of BMA membership), plus their partners and dependents. There is always someone you can talk to.
How do I contact them? Phone 03301231245
Medical Protection Counselling service
What do they offer?
Medical Protection offers counselling to any of its members experiencing work-related stress, or stress that they feel could impact their practice. This telephone counselling provides access to support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and face-to-face counselling sessions can be arranged near to you and at your convenience, all funded by Medical Protection. The service is entirely independent and confidential.
How do I contact them? Email at
NHS England coaching service
What do they offer?
Individual coaching support is available with an experienced coach. This will be a space for you to offload the demands of whatever you are experiencing and be supported in developing practical strategies for dealing with this. It might be that through a one-off conversation you have all the strategies you need to cope with your situation and stay well. Or you might find a few sessions helpful. It is all led by
How do I contact them?
Register and book a coaching session here:
I have had a complaint made against me to the GMC
BMA Doctor Support Service
What do they offer?
All doctors facing GMC investigations or licence withdrawal have access to this confidential, emotional support service from the BMA.
Where a complaint has been made to the GMC any doctor can ask for support from the Doctor Support Service. The service offers six hours of telephone support from the time a complaint is received by the GMC until the matter is concluded. Or from the time you receive notification from the GMC that your licence to practise is at risk. Face to face support is also available, subject to availability of supporters, on the first day of a hearing and one further day if the hearing runs for more than a day.
How to I contact them?
Call 020 7383 6707, Email, Office open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
I think I have an addiction:
Practitioner Health Service
Practitioner Health also has expertise in treating healthcare professionals with arange of addiction issues. See contact details above.
The Sick Doctors’ Trust
What do they offer?
The trust offers support and help for doctors, dentists and medical students who are concerned about their use of drugs and alcohol.
How do I contact them?
Call on 0370 444 5163. Their confidential helpline is available 24 hours/day and they are happy to deal with anonymous enquiries.

I’m struggling to deal with everything that has happened as a result of the pandemic
Just B.Org
What do they offer?
JustB offers support for frontline staff in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Emotional wellbeing, bereavement and trauma support with specially trained staff, seven days a week, 8am to 8pm. Available for all NHS, care sector staff and emergency services workers.
How to I contact them?
Telephone: 0300 303 4434 or Text: FRONTLINE to 85258 (24hrs), Website:
The service is responsive to faith, individuality, culture and community, including providing a Tagalog speaking therapist service to support the large numbers of NHS and social care staff from the Philippines. The number for the Tagalog line is 0300301 1115
I hope you find something here that meets your wellbeing needs. Stay well. Read our other article on Helpful tips for your mental health.